

Holiday Cleaning
By Karen Bordieri 7 December 2022

Holiday Cleaning

Stress-Free Holiday Cleaning

The holidays call for celebration. However, with big fun also comes a big mess. For most people, holiday cleaning is a nightmare and can come with high-stress levels. What’s more, we tend to start worrying even before the event as we think about the setup, the number of people coming, and food preparation. So, things can quickly get out of hand.

Nevertheless, the holidays are a time to have fun with family and friends and enjoy the festivities. So, you should know there are ways to get through these days without getting so stressed out. There are even ways for you to make your cleaning last longer, so you won’t have to worry about it for a long time after.

Here are some tips for you to have happy, stress-free holidays:

  • Make a list of everything you need to do: there is a lot to be done. So, before you panic at the mere sight of every task ahead, just take a breath and make a plan. It is a lot easier to get everything done when you break it all down into smaller tasks;
    • Organize and divide chores according to your and your family’s schedule: you should have as much time as anyone to enjoy the holidays. So, when scheduling chores, make sure to give everybody something to do. That way, nobody will have to carry an extra burden. If you are on your own, don’t panic. Just organize your tasks according to your schedule;
    • Clean your house for real: don’t do only the bare minimum. If you have to clean anyway, you may as well do a good job of it. A good cleaning will last longer, giving you more time to enjoy other things you want to do later;
    • Reward yourself with something relaxing after completing a task: a well-done job deserves compensation. So, don’t deny yourself a pleasant treat after you finish your tasks.

These are just some simple things you can do that will make all the difference. Enjoy the holidays!



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